Catch-all box

Image showing the Catch-all box in HEY.

Catch-all is a special box in your HEY for Domains account that will collect any email sent to an unrecognized address on your domain. For example, if someone emails, Catch-all will save that email for you to review, instead of bouncing it back to the sender.

You’ll need to check the Catch-all box manually to see if anything new has arrived, and it’s likely to collect a lot of junk while it’s turned on.

Set up Catch-all by heading to Accounts & Settings > People & Permissions. From there, click on the Turn on Catch-all box..... link at the bottom.

We recommend only using this option temporarily. If you’re missing important addresses on your domain, you should add them as a user or extension, and then turn this off again.

After enabling it, you can access the Catch-all box from the bottom of your HEY menu.

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