Name Tags

The Name Tag feature is similar to a signature. Head to your Account page and click on your profile. In the Edit Profile section, you’ll have Name Tags to use.

The Name Tag field only supports text, you're not able to upload logos or other images.

Adding name tags for external accounts

  1. Inside your HEY account, click your Avatar in the top right corner
  2. Click "Accounts & Settings"
  3. Click "Forwarding & Sending"
  4. Click the "Edit" button located on the external address you'd like to create a name tag for.

Screenshot of the Forward & Sending page with the Edit button outlined in a red box

  1. Click "Edit your contact info" (if you don't see this option, you'll need to set the external account up as a 'send-as' address first).

Screenshot of the 'Edit settings' page for an external account with the

  1. Flip the "Add a name tag to my emails" switch and add your name tag.

  1. Click the "Save changes" button.

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