Logging In

Reset Your Password

On the Forgot your password screen, enter your HEY email address and click 'Send password reset email'.

HEY will send a message to your backup email address. Look there for a message from support@hey.com with the subject, “Reset your HEY password”.

2FA App Not Working?

If the 2FA App you're using to log into your HEY account is not working, you still have some options to get logged in.

With Recovery Codes

You should have recovery codes from when you set up your 2-Factor Authentication. It's likely a note or .txt file saved to your mobile device or computer.

With a recovery code handy, log in with your regular username and password at https://app.hey.com/sign_in Then, click "Use a recovery code to access your account" and enter a code.

Once you're logged in, go to https://app.hey.com/my/authentications and click on Two-Factor Authentication. You can set up a new 2FA authenticator there.

Logged In On Another Device?

If you don't have recovery codes, but you're still logged into HEY on another device, you can reset your 2FA:

  1. Click on your Avatar, then select Login & Security from the menu.
  2. Click on the Two-Factor Authentication option.
  3. Click on the "Yes, replace my 2FA setup" button
  4. Enter in your password
  5. Follow the prompts to set up the new codes.

Still having trouble? Reach out to support@hey.com and we can help get you logged in!

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